The zip code 63107 is located in county Missouri. There are approximately 11,912 people living in zip code 63107. They make up households. The average income per household in the 63107 zip code is $19,685. The median age of the residents is 36 years old (which is 34 years old for males and 37 years old for females).
Hyde Park Neighborhood Link
Holy Trinity Catholic Church Link
Historic bear pit structure at Fairground Park Link
Revitalized14th Street, Crown Square Crown Square in Old North St Louis Neighborhood
Revitalized 14th Street, Crown Square Crown Square in Old North St Louis Neighborhood
Hyde Park Neighborhood Link
St Louis Place Neighborhood St Louis Place Neighborhood
Fairground Park Link
St Louis Place Park St Louis Place Neighborhood
Hyde Park Gazebo Link
Bissell Water Tower "New Red" Link
Bissell Mansion Dinner Theater Link
Beaumont High School Link
Grand Water Tower "Old White" Link
Hyde Park Neighborhood Link
Columbia Brewery workers' row houses, c. 1890s St Louis Place Neighborhood
Beaumont High School, Bissell Mansion Dinner Theater, Bissell Water Tower, Divoll-St Louis Public Library Branch, Fairground Park, Grand Water Tower, Hyde Park, Hyde Park Neighborhood,